{A Work in Progress}


Buffy / Spike / Xander / Willow / Marge

Heroine - Elizabeth Anne Summers ("Buffy")
Hair: Honey-blonde
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'3"
Age: 26
Job: Business Development, Sunnydale Chamber of Commerce

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Hero - William Ashbury ("Spike")

Hair: White-blonde
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'11
Age: 27-28
Job: Currently unemployed, but has been a successful computer consultant.

Spike is the bad boy of the title. He's about 27-28, naturally a very pail blonde, around 5'11" in height, slim frame, very athletic and fit. Bright, quick, he has a somewhat sarcastic sense of humor. He's got a soft, sensitive side as well, but he doesn't let many people see it.

He's the baby of the family, the youngest of any of Marge's grandchildren. Excelled in college, whiz at computers and programming, he joined one of the big consulting firms and made some really good money. He spent most of his time on the road, invested well and is doing well enough at this point that he was able to leave his job and come to Sunnydale to help his grandmother. This wasn't a great hardship for him; in fact, he was looking for a change of pace. He's thinking of settling in the area, starting to consider the idea of a family, putting down roots. The idea has a great appeal for him, even if his grandmother doesn't feel like she needs to be coddled and he should be off living his own life.

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Alexander Harris ("Xander")
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Brown
Height: 6'2"
Age: 27
Job: Owner, Harris Contractors

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Willow Rosenberg ("Will")
: Red
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'5"
Age: 26
Job: Manager, Information Services, Sunnydale First National Bank

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Margaret Ashbury ("Marge")
Hair: Blonde (Actually, it's grey, but she colors it)
Eyes: Blue
Height: 5'8"
Age: Not telling, but somewhere in her early 60's. When she does tell, she lies about it.
Job: Owner, It's a Gift

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