{A Work in Progress -- Story Ideas}

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Working the Hero's Journey Somewhat -- The Ordinary World

So, we've got the ordinary world for both Buffy and Spike. Buffy's is easy. It's a well-ordered little world where she's being the perfect girl she knows she really isn't, despite the face she presents to the public. She's got the perfect boy friend -- strong, dependable, running his own business, and she's becoming a respected and useful member of the community. This is the face she wants to present and she's boxed herself into that.

Spike has actually left his ordinary world behind already. For him, it was the life of the consultant; on the road, not settling, moving forward constantly. He doesn't have a lot of ties, so it wasn't a hardship to leave.

posted by Caro on 10:35 AM | #

Monday, May 27, 2002

The Start of the Story

Basically, Spike rides into town on a motorcycle, looking like a total bad boy. He's come to stay with his grandmother, Marge, who's getting a hip replacement. Spike's going to be running her gift shop and helping her at home while she's off her feet. Marge isn't terribly happy about this state of affairs -- doesn't want to admit she needs the help, doesn't want a nurse, thinks Spike should be off living his own life. Spike's reaction is that he's at a place where he can do this and it's what he wants to do. He's really a good boy.

Of course, what the ladies who work for Marge hear is the arguing, Marge telling Spike he has better things to do, Spike getting angry at her for being so damn stubborn. Rumors start as they always do. One of the first people who hear of it is Buffy Summers, who works with business development for the Chamber of Commerce. It's a blip on her radar, really, except that Marge does a lot of volunteer work for the Chamber in promoting Sunnydale and her being out for over two months will be a serious hinderance, especially since they've got a big push coming up to help convince a firm to locate their offices here. She's also worried that Marge's grandson is going to be trouble and not the right image for the town, a serious factor to consider.

When Buffy tentatively brings the subject up to Marge, she gets snapped at. Marge may be active, but she's not fond of Buffy and remembers when Buffy went through her "wild stage" when she was in college. There was an unfortunate incident involving some of Buffy's friends who'd come weekending with her and Marge's shop (shoplifting was probably involved or some minor vandalism) and Marge has been down on her ever since. She strongly feels that Buffy is not the Miss Goody-two-shoes she makes herself out to be and she's convinced that one day people will realize that. Marge, btw, has told Spike that Buffy Summers is precisely the type of girl he should stay away from. She's got that nice Xander Harris buffaloed into thinking she's Miss Innocent, but the truth will out. Not surprisingly, this means that Spike has an immediate interest in the girl.


posted by Caro on 1:53 PM | #

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