Thankfully, I've got the templates to a place where I'm happy with them now. That leaves that behind as a possible procrastination point. I've been doing bits and pieces of work on the story ideas, and I'm going to set the blog up so I can e-mail and post. That should be fun.
I am working on the hero's journey, even if it's in bits and drabs. Just posted up some thoughts on the Ordinary World for both Buffy and Spike, which is where my main plotline needs to lie. Not much, just a few thoughts.
Disappointingly, the feature where one can e-mail one's post to one's blog doesn't seem to be working. I mailed one a couple of hours ago from work and I've gotten nothing. Could be just my office mail system, but won't know for a while.
posted by Caro on 10:39 AM | #
Long time between updates, but work has been going on. I've got the start of a plot, and my main five characters -- Spike, Buffy, Xander, Willow, and Marge, Spike's grandmother. I've also updated the basics on the characters, so that page is going, as well as one for locations. Most importantly, I created a sub-blog (yes, a blog within a blog) for story ideas. That way, when this is done, I can go back and look at how I did things in a chronological order. Should be interesting.
Although the fan fic is still getting the most attention (five stories are currently going), I am doing more and more work on this book. With the prospect of my contract being up and a week or two of being off work, I think we should see much more progress.